Table of Contents

Starting a Research Degree

You're interested in doing a research degree (PhD, Masters, or Honours)? That's great! The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance, and let you know the next steps you need to take if you would like me to be your supervisor.

Selecting a Research Degree

There are really four different choices for research degrees:

To choose which is for you, you have to consider your research experience, level of interest, and commitment (e.g. a PhD is at least three years of work).

Selecting a Research Area

It's vital that you choose a research area you're interested for your study. For the duration of your degree, you'll be spending most of your time thinking about your research project. In the case of a PhD, especially, this means a very long time working in one area, so you want to make sure it's an area you enjoy. To do this, start reading in the area. If it interests you, then you'll keep wanting to read more. If you get bored very quickly, then you're probably better off moving on to a different area.

Writing a Research Proposal

Once you know the general area in which you wish to complete your research, you should start to think about the specific project you wish to conduct. To do this, it's a good idea to write a research proposal, which will help clarify your thinking and also help potential supervisors decide whether they wish to supervise your candidature.

I occasionally have suggestions for research projects, but think it much better if you come up with your own. If you're really stuck but clearly know your research area, feel free to get in touch and see if I have any suggestions (but, while waiting for a reply, continue reading in the area and you might come up with a study idea yourself).

A research proposal should include the following details:

Remember that your research proposal isn't set in stone; it will continue to develop as you begin your research, under the guidance of your supervisors. However, it's important to have some sort of plan in place before you begin, so a draft research proposal is vital.


Research degrees can be expensive. Currently, if you're an Australian citizen or permanent resident, then the Government will cover your tuition fees for a PhD, but you'll still need some money to live on. International students are typically required to pay fees (though your own Government might have some scholarships or schemes to help with this). There are often scholarships available, so it's worth searching to see what you can find. Supervisors are often much more willing to accept candidates coming with their funding already sorted (for example, I currently do not have any funds to cover research students).

Selecting a Supervisor

Your supervisors are very important in your pursuit of a research degree. You won't get the same feedback you get during a coursework degree (frequent assignment marks, and marks for individual units every six months or so) - you can go years where the only feedback is from your supervisors. So it's important that you can trust your supervisors. This means that your supervisors should be experts in fields at least related to the area you want to study - otherwise, how can they really know if you're doing a good job? You also want to make sure they have enough time to spend with you, or else you might be traveling blindly down the wrong path with your research without realising it.

Contacting Potential Supervisors

Once you know the area in which you wish to conduct your research and have written a draft research proposal, you're ready to start contacting potential supervisors. You should look for academics who have recently published articles in your chosen area, and reach out to them with a brief explanation of what you want to study, why you think they would be a good supervisor (i.e. how your project relates to some of their existing research), details of any funding, a copy of your research proposal, and any other details relevant to your contacting them. Understand that most active researchers are flooded with requests for supervision, so it sometimes might take a while for them to reply, and they might be too busy to be able to accept any more students.

Applying for your degree

It will probably take a bit of back-and-forth before a potential supervisor is happy with your research proposal, but once they are, you should look at the rules for their institution to see how you go about applying. You need to take the initiative here. Only ask your supervisor how to apply if you truly can't find that information (most institutions have this information very clearly on their Website). Once your application is submitted, there are some checks that go on in the background, so it can be a while before you hear an outcome. Don't pester your supervisor to chase up how the application is progressing, you should chase that up with the institution directly yourself (academics often have no idea where your application is until it gets to them quite late in the process).


If you wish to have me as your supervisor, make sure your research proposal aligns with my research interests and email me at!